Check your progress There are three kinds of exercises. Just choose in which order you want to do them.
The numbers below refer to corresponding links in the menu above, and you can also hover over |1|2| etc. to see the contents.
Accept or refute
Sharpen your personal opinion by saying yes or no to our statements. Some of them reflect "the current state of the authors' ongoing interplay between heredity and environment" and some are quite provocative opposites.
|1| Potential (Chapter 1.1) |2| Individuality (Chapter 1.2) |3| Skills (Chapter 1.3) |4| Knowledge (Chapter 1.4) Basic understanding of important concepts
These five quizzes reflect the opinion of the authors as expressed in the book. You may disagree, but they are all good for the development of your thinking.
|5| Human potential (Chapter 1.1) |6| Individuality (Chapter 1.2) |7| Human skills (Chapter 1.3) |8| Thinking (Chapter 1.3) |9| Knowledge (Chapter 1.4)
Please note that the crosswords are quite difficult. Don't spend too much time on each clue. Use the help buttons and try to get through a crossword in 10-15 minutes. Click to see the instruction now!4 Instruction on doing crosswords (not linked here)
The focus of these crosswords is generally on words and concepts that are essential for the understanding and the discussion of this part of the book. A few short words are included for the sake of providing help. The "save" function has not been included as we think that you should not spend too much time on each crossword.
|10| Human potential (Chapter 1.1) |11| Individuality (Chapter 1.2) |12| Skills (Chapter 1.3) |13| Knowledge (Chapter 1.4)